Pi Cellular 2.0

I’ve started upgrading all the Raspberry PIs in the house to Pi4. The Electron connected Pi was the first. This time around I soldered the Electron to a GPIO Proto board hat to make changing the hardware easier in the future. I also added this nice case and a fan inside. Unfortunately, I tried to run the Pi on POE but that caused issues with the GPIO pins that I couldn’t figure out.

Pi Cellular

This project does a few things for me.First, I use the Pi to control the GPIO pins so I can test various things in the house and send a message via the cellular modem on the Particle Electron.

One example is if the house loses Internet (the Pi can’t ping a webpage), I get a notification on my cell phone. Another reason is if the house loses power, (the Pi turns off), the Electron sends another notification since it’s on a battery backup.

This Pi also has a USB modem attached to it, and using NCID, I’m able to receive a notification of who is calling my house phone on my cell phone.