Script to run on a primary PiHole server to sync blocklist database and custom local DNS entries to a secondary server.
Make sure to setup sshkeys to allow user on primary server to login to secondary server.
Then run this script in the cron every 15-30 minutes.
# HA Sync from PiHolePri to PiHoleSec */15 * * * * /root/ >> /var/log/pi-ha-sync.log 2>&1
#!/usr/bin/env bash sshuser=pi pisecondary= sshkey=/root/.ssh/id.pi filelist="gravity.db custom.list" piping=$(timeout 0.2 ping -c1 ${pisecondary} &> /dev/null && echo "0" || echo "1") if [ "${piping}" -eq 0 ]; then cd /etc/pihole/ ssh -i ${sshkey} ${sshuser}@${pisecondary} 'if [ ! -d ~/piholepri ]; then mkdir ~/piholepri; fi' scp -q -i ${sshkey} ${filelist} ${sshuser}@${pisecondary}:~/piholepri ssh -i ${sshkey} ${sshuser}@${pisecondary} "sudo cp ~/piholepri/* /etc/pihole" ssh -i ${sshkey} ${sshuser}@${pisecondary} "pihole restartdns reload-lists" else echo "${pisecondary} is not available." fi